Camera drivers and softwares
DCM 35 és DCM130B driver (Win XP, 7, 8, 8.1) |
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Device driver (DCM130E, DCM310, DCM510, DCM800, MDC200, MDC320, MDC560 kamerák drivere) (Win XP, 7, 8, 8.1) |
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STO-1USB driver (Win XP,7, 8, 8.1) |
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STO-3USB driver (Win XP,7, 8, 8.1) |
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KL kamera driver V1.0.07 KL-101,301,501, 1001, 501U3, 14001U3 (Win 8.1) |
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KL kamera driver V0.42.18.175 KL-101,301,501, 1001, 501U3, 14001U3 (Win XP, 7) |
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KL kamera driver V0.42.19.222 KL-101,301,501, 1001, 501U3, 14001U3 (Win XP, 7) |
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RENESAS-USB3-Host-Driver-30120-setup (Win XP, 7, 8, 8.1) |
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Alpha TCC 1.4 CL ICE driver and DirectShow driver (Win XP, 7, 8, 8.1) |
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Alpha ISH és TCH és OPTIKA Pro Cool 5 driver and DirectShow driver (Win XP, 7, 8, 8.1) |
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OPTIKA DM-2,5,15, 20, 25 microscope driver (Win XP,7, 8, 8.1) |
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OPTIKA B-150DM and DB microscope driver (Win XP,7,8,8.1) |
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OPTIKA B-26 microscope driver (Win 7,8,8.1) |
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OPTIKA Educam USB driver (Win7 64bit) |
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OPTIKA B1,B2,B3,B5, B9 driver and DirectShow driver (Win XP,7,8,8.1 32/64bit) |
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OPTIKA Pro Cool 3 and 5 kamera (Win XP) |
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ScopePhoto imaging szoftver 3.0.3 (Win XP, 7, 8, 8.1) |
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User manual
Product user manuals | download |
Getting started ScopePhoto image processing software | download |
ScopePhoto image processing software (advanced) | download |
How to clean the camera | download |
FAQ’s for DCM camera | download |
CE Certificates
Our experts have gained their knowledge of the Carl Zeiss factory, we have 6-40 years of experience in the microscope repair We investigate the problem up to 48 hours our clients up to 48 hours, and then performed the troubleshooting. If required, the repair time is provided free of replacement device directly.
Every year, more than 3,000 service-station equipment will be repaired.
Undertake the following:
- Microscopes
- Colposcopes
- Refractometers
- Slit lamps and ENT istruments
- Used Microscopes renovation
- Spare parts for old microscopes
We undertake development and production of individual instruments,from design to series.
We undertake the camera system installation for new or old type of microscope.
Sample 1: Installing the DCM type camera for Carl Zeiss Epityp 2 microscope
We also customize microscopes on demand.
Sample 2: Increase of the Alpha STO1-MU microscope stand.